Take Action: Stop the Toxic Madness, Palm Oil Destroys Forests

Tell President Obama:? Stop the Toxic Madness!dow poison

Any day now, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is expected to approve Dow Chemical’s “Enlist Duo,” a highly toxic herbicide made from a combination of glyphosate (the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup) and 2/4-D (one of the chemicals used to make Agent Orange).? If sprayed, these chemicals would enter our food, water, and atmosphere, contaminating us all, leading to serious health problems.? Please add your voice by signing this petition.

Tell the Fast Food Industry to Use Deforestation-Free Palm Oil


Tropical forests are cleared to make way for palm oil plantations, releasing carbon into the atmosphere, increasing global warming, and shrinking habitats for endangered species.? Tropical deforestation currently accounts for about 10% of the world’s heat-trapping emissions.

Tell the largest global fast food chains — including McDonald’s, Burger King, Yum! Brands, Wendy’s, Subway, CKE Restaurants (Hardee’s, Carl’s Jr., La Salsa, Green Burrito), Starbucks, Dairy Queen, and Domino’s — that for the sake of our atmosphere, tropical forests, and endangered species, the time to act is now.