Take Action: Support Real Lunch Breaks for Our Children!

We all know how important it is to take the time to properly nourish yourself, not only with the food you eat, but also time to take a break during a long work day. The same is true for our kids. They need a break too.

Unfortunately, most kids barely have time to get through the lunch line, let alone finish eating their food. I know this first hand, having spent a year in the cafeteria as the Farm to School Coordinator.  Having a sufficient amount of time to eat lunch at the right time of day (not at 9 or 10 in the morning) would be a big improvement. I watched so much food being thrown away because there wasn’t enough time to finish eating before recess. Lunch is more than a time to refuel with a healthy meal—it’s also an opportunity for students to tend to their physical and mental well being during a long day at school. The same logic applies whether the students are in the classroom or remote learning due to COVID.

Legislation introduced by Representatives Kim Schrier, M.D. (D-WA) and Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) would provide schools with best practices for scheduling lunch and recess to ensure that students have enough time for lunch.

Please urge your representatives to co-sponsor the Healthy Meal Time Act today to ensure kids have enough time to eat school meals.


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