The National School Lunch Program is a program that is very close to my heart, and it is the main source of food for so many young Americans. Congress is beginning to draft the next Child Nutrition Act Reauthorization (CNR) and they need to hear from everyone who cares about healthy school food and farm to school programs! CNR is the legislative package that authorizes all of the federal child nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch, School Breakfast, Child and Adult Care Food, Summer Food Service, and WIC programs. The last CNR – known as the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 – was a major victory for the farm to school movement, as it was the first time federal legislation specifically mandated funding and support for farm to school efforts.
As the Farm to School Coordinator for Glen Cove Public Schools, I am asking you all to let your members of Congress know that you care about Farm to School Programs, and that you would like more schools to have the opportunity to bring more fresh fruits and vegetables into their school meal programs. The Farm to School Act of 2019 (S. 2026, H.R. 3562) and Kids Eat Local Act (S.1817, H.R. 3230) offer Congress a blueprint for supporting farm to school in the next CNR. These bills will make it easier for schools to source local food and provide funding for innovative projects like school gardens and seasonal vegetable taste-testing that help kids learn where food comes from.
One way you can show your support and help ensure that the next CNR makes it easier for schools to source local food from local farmers while also increasing funding for the incredibly popular USDA Farm to School Grant program is to sign your organization onto this national sign-on letter that is being led by the National Farm to School Network (NFSN) and the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC).
Click here to sign the petition.
Oppose the Williams Pipeline!
The Williams Company has been pushing to build a 23-mile long pipeline that will carry fracked gas under New York harbor, even though their proposal has been denied. The pipeline would run along the coast of Staten Island then cross the harbor south of Brooklyn to join existing pipelines four miles off the Rockaways.

Also, please call Governor Cuomo at 888-997-5380 and tell him to block the Williams Northeast Supply Enhancement (NESE) Pipeline.
There are many reasons to oppose this pipeline.
1. The pipeline is both unnecessary and expensive.
2. Construction will harm both human and marine life.
3. Williams Co. has a poor safety record.
4. The Williams Pipeline is incompatible with fighting climate change.
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