Take Action: Tell Congress to Protect Your Right to Know: Oppose the Dark Act, Sign Up To Support Family Farming, Walmart, Costco and Carrefour -End Slavery in the Production of the Shrimp You Sell

Tell Congress to Protect Your Right to Know: Oppose the Dark Act

The Grocery Manufacturers Association, along with allies like Monsanto and Dow, have teamed up with Koch-backed Congressman, Mike Pompeo of Kansas, to introduce a federal bill that would deny your right to know what is in your food. This bill, (HR 4432), which has been called the ?Denying Americans the Right-to-Know Act? (DARK Act), is on the march and has just gained 20 new Republican co-sponsors, bringing the total up to 25. That?s 25 members of Congress who stand with industry in an effort to keep consumers in the dark. If passed, this bill would prevent states from adopting their own GE labeling laws. Even though Americans overwhelmingly support labeling, there is a disastrous momentum behind the DARK Act. Click here to tell Congress to oppose the Dark and support mandatory labeling of GMOs.

Sign Up To Support Family Farming

Food Tank is joining the World Rural Forum, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and over 360 civil society and farmer’s organizations in supporting the International Year of Family Farming. The 2014 International Year of Family Farming (2014 IYFF) is a worldwide celebration, declared by the United Nations General Assembly, that aims to stimulate active policies for sustainable development of agricultural systems based on farmer families, communal units, indigenous groups, cooperatives and fishing families. This yearlong celebration aims to raise the profile of family farming and smallholder farming by focusing world attention on its significant role in eradicating hunger and poverty, providing food security and nutrition, improving livelihoods, managing natural resources, protecting the environment, and achieving sustainable development. Click here to sign the petition to show your support for family farmers worldwide!

Walmart, Costco and Carrefour -End Slavery in the Production of the Shrimp You Sell

The three largest grocers in the world — Walmart, Carrefour, and Costco — have been named in a new investigation by the Guardian for selling prawns and shrimp whose production relies upon slave labor. One week later, those companies are still refusing to take two simple steps to eliminate slavery from their supply chains. Human rights activists are demanding Walmart, Carrefour and Costco join Project Issara, a Thai-based initiative to end modern slavery, as well as institute a zero tolerance policy on slavery, based on conditions on the ground. Project Issara was founded by Anti-Slavery International to eliminate slavery within export-oriented industries in Thailand. The project seeks to push brands that may be buying slavery-made products to use their brand power to eliminate slavery within global supply chains. Testimony from escapees reveals the gravity of this exploitation. One trafficking victim said he had seen as many as 20 fellow slaves killed in front of him. Now is our chance to raise our voices against these practices and demand change. Click here to tell Costco, Carrefour and Walmart to ensure slavery-free prawns in their freezer aisles.