Please join us in urging Governor Cuomo to ban the use of the pesticide, Chlorpyrifos! Chlorpyrifos is an organophosphate pesticide, which works to block the enzyme cholinesterase and impairs the central nervous system. Even though the Trump administration chooses to ignore science, and continues to say that this pesticide poses no danger, studies have shown otherwise. “A chlorpyrifos ban is long overdue given the overwhelming evidence that says this pesticide harms brain development in children,” Tracy Gregoire, a project coordinator at the Learning Disabilities Association of America, said in a statement. “We are hopeful the courts will side with children who are now being exposed to irreparable, yet preventable harm.”
Riverkeeper, one of my favorite organizations protecting our water and the Hudson River, has a letter writing campaign they are asking us to participate in. Please sign the letter, send it in, and share the letter with a friend.
The Environmental Action Organization is mobilizing to fight for the protection of the Endangered Species Act.
With a 99% success rate, the Endangered Species Act is one of our most important tools for protecting wildlife. It’s helped bring bald eagles, gray wolves, and thousands of other species back from the brink of extinction. Please help them fight the roll back of these important protections! Donate here!
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