Tell KFC to Stop Selling Antibiotic Filled Chicken
Many other fast food chains have committed to stop using antibiotic filled chicken, but unfortunately KFC is not one of them. They need to make the commitment since their main food offering is chicken. Antibiotic resistance is a growing and dangerous problem in the U.S., thousands of Americans die every year from antibiotic-resistant infections. Restaurants need to take responsibility and do their part to help the issue. Sign the petition to tell KFC to stop selling chicken with antibiotics!
Demand the U.S. Reject the TTIP Proposals
The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreements between the U.S. and the European Union would essentially take away states’ rights to enact stricter laws than the federal government. Traditionally, the federal government sets a minimum standard for regulating toxic chemicals, and the states then sets more stringent laws as they see fit to protect their citizens. States have enacted 250 laws that go beyond federal standards to protect people and the environment from toxic substances, but if the TTIP is enacted, states will no longer have the right to do so. The federal government has proved incapable of setting tough enough chemical standards, so sign this petition to demand the U.S. rejects the TTIP in the best interest of the American people.
Tell Grocery Stores to Say No to Bee Killing Pesticides
Demand that grocery stores stop selling foods produced with the bee killing pesticides neonicotinoids. Studies have shown that this group of chemicals is responsible for killing off bee populations, which are necessary for a secure food supply. American consumers have stood up for stricter regulations and bans of these chemicals, and we want our grocery stores to stand with us and stop selling foods that use neonicotinoids, and offer more organic options. Sign and share the petition!
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