Take Action: Tell the EPA Not to Allow Radiation in Drinking Water; Ban the Insecticides Killing Our Bees; Tell Food Companies to Reject the GE Apple

Tell the EPA Not to Allow Radiation in Drinking Water

120px-FEMA_-_10741_-_Photograph_by_Michael_Rieger_taken_on_09-12-2004_in_FloridaThe EPA and President Obama are considering raising the acceptable limits of radiation allowed in drinking water after an emergency. These limits are put in place for the public’s safety when accidents such as a radioactive waste spill or nuclear reactor disaster like Fukushima occur. Now, the EPA wants to increase the limit and allow American citizens to drink radioactive water after an emergency. Sign and share the petition to let the EPA and President Obama know the American people have a right to clean drinking water, even in an emergency.

Ban the Insecticides Killing Our Bees

Bee populations have been rapidly dying in recent years, and the cause was a mystery for some time. We now know that neonicotinoids, a group of insecticides used to protect crops from bugs, are the main culprit behind colony collapse disorder. We want the EPA to ban them! Bees are responsible for millions of dollars of revenue for the food industry via pollination – without bees, we don’t have a solid food supply. Sign and share this incredibly important petition to tell the EPA we need to take care of our bees.

Tell Food Companies to Reject the GE Apple

120px-Dark_appleThe FDA has approved a genetically engineered (GE) apple variety, called Arctic Apple, which has been engineered to not turn brown when sliced. Scientists have removed the enzyme that causes the fruit to brown when sliced, and since we don’t have a federal labeling law, consumers won’t know they are buying a genetically engineered apple. The majority of this variety will be sold as pre-sliced packages in stores and restaurants. Browning is a natural way to see the apple isn’t fresh, plus fruits are highly susceptible to pathogens once sliced. Buying apple slices that won’t brown will give the consumer no indication of the freshness or safety of the fruit, not to mention everyone has the right to know if they are buying GMO or GE food. Sign and share the petition to tell food companies to reject this GE variety of apples.