Take Action: Tell the Senate: Vote No on Vilsack for Secretary of Agriculture

Join the Organic Consumers Association and Other Grassroots Organizations in Telling the Senate to Vote “No” on Tom Vilsack for Secretary of Agriculture!

I know I have written about this before, but it is such an important issue, I feel compelled to write about it again. Tom Vilsack is not the right person to help move our industrial food system towards a more sustainable, healthy, anti racist program that guarantees access to good, clean and fair food for every American.

While Tom Vilsack was Secretary of Agriculture under the Obama administration, he pushed through a corporate agribusiness agenda that began with his approval of more new genetically modified crops than any other Secretary, culminated in his shepherding of a bill to kill GMO labels through Congress, and included his racist firing of African American land trust hero Shirley Sherrod and his distortion of data to conceal decades of discrimination against black farmers. Between 2006 and 2016, the USDA was six times more likely to foreclose on a black farmer than a white farmer.

We need a USDA Secretary of Agriculture who will be a hero, steering our food and farming system toward a brighter, regenerative future—not a Secretary who will continue to be a pawn for the same corporate interests that are causing, and profiting from, the mess we are in.  

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