Take Action: Tell the USDA: No ?Coexistence? with Monsanto! The Tar Sands Fight Comes Home to NY, Help Stop a Huge Secret Corporate Power Grab

?Tell the USDA: No ?Coexistence? with Monsanto!

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is currently seeking public comments?on what it can do to ?promote the broad adoption of local, voluntary solutions aimed at facilitating coexistence? between genetically modified crops and organic/non-GMO crops. ?It should be a crime for seed companies like Monsanto to release genetically resistencia-monsantoengineered crops into the environment, knowing that they will inevitably contaminate organic/non-GMO crops. Prevention of contamination should be the seed companies? responsibility, and it should be mandatory.? There are no ?voluntary solutions? to the fact that genetically engineered crops will eventually destroy organic/non-GMO crops.? As long as GMOs aren?t safety-tested, aren?t regulated and aren?t labeled, farmers and consumers will continue to have their crops and food jeopardized. Click here to sign the petition and add your own comment before?March 4th.

The Tar Sands Fight Comes Home to NY

While resistance against pipelines has come out in full force, oil companies have been busy quietly looking to the railways to transport this dirty oil from North American heartland to its coastal refineries thousands of miles away.?As ?New Yorkers we must wake up to the fact that hundreds upon hundreds of crude oil rail cars travel from Buffalo, and the upper reaches of Lake Champlain, to Albany every day along some of New York?s most important waterways. This ?pipeline-on-rails? has never received an environmental review yet represents dangers of huge proportions.? Just last July, a train carrying 120 tanker cars of this crude oil derailed and exploded in the tourist town of Lac Megantic, Quebec killing 47 people and incinerating 30 homes and businesses. If an accident like that had happened at the port of Albany, it would have threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people including those at the State Capitol, City Hall, State agency buildings and extensive neighborhoods and housing developments. Right now there is a proposal before the Department of Environmental Conservation to expand the amount of crude oil coming into the port of Albany from 1.2 billion gallons to nearly 3 billion gallons annually.? In addition, the applicant, Global Partnerss LLC is looking to build a boiler facility to heat the heavy tar sands coming off rail cars to reduce viscosity and facilitate more fluid transfer to ships.? The DEC has already determined that there are no significant environmental impacts attached to these actions. Click here to tell the DEC that they must take the necessary steps to ensure a full environmental impact statement is conducted on this emerging threat to New York?s health and safety.DEC will be taking comments until?January 31, 2014.

Help Stop a Huge Secret Corporate Power Grab

Leaked documents have revealed that the TPP would empower corporations to directly sue governments in private and non-transparent trade tribunals over laws and policies that corporations allege reduce their profits. As a result, important legislation that were created to address climate change, curb fossil fuel expansion and reduce air pollution could all be subject to attack by corporations as a result of TPP. Additionally, the deal could criminalize internet use, undermine workers? and human rights, manipulate copyright laws, restrict government regulation of food labeling and adversely impact subsidized healthcare. Right now, our best chance of stopping this train wreck from moving forward is to stop the U.S. Congress from giving ?fast-track? authority to President Obama to ram the agreement through without a public debate. Click here to sign a petition asking Congress to reject this corporate give-away.