iEat Green is Collecting Turkey’s, Coats, Blankets, Hats, Gloves, Boots, and Toiletries for Our Communities in Need
Even though we can’t gather at the iEat Green Homestead for our annual cook-a-thon and Thanksgiving Feast for the Needy, we can still help our neighboring communities by donating turkeys, and winter clothing items, to help them
celebrate the holiday and stay warm this Winter.

iEat Green will be collecting turkeys and winter clothing items beginning Sunday, November 22nd, to be donated to the River Fund NY.
Please spread the word, and help us collect warm clothing, including blankets and sleeping bags, for those in need.
Depending on the Results, Be Prepared to Hit the Streets!
Depending on what unfolds tonight or tomorrow morning, it might be necessary for massive numbers of people to be in the streets on Wednesday all across the country demanding that every vote be counted!
You can register right now for the NYC Protect The Results action, just click here: If you sign up, by midday today, you will receive an email message with an update about where and when we are mobilizing, or not.
The NYC Protect the Results Coalition is part of the nationwide effort to mobilize people in decentralized actions around the country should there be any attempt to undermine the election. There are currently more than 150 groups in the national coalition, and over 500 local actions being planned. We can expect these numbers to keep growing.
With over 80 NYC groups and organizations working together we are confident we will be able to turn out large numbers of people. At the same time, we continue to get the word out… and you can help by using the material in the social media toolkit, which includes translations into Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic.
Come follow me on Social Media
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