Take Action: We Need To Protect Our Seabirds! Support the Beyond Plastics Bill!

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) is one of the oldest conservation laws in the books and it has protected our seabirds for over 100 years. However, like so many regulations that the prior administration did away with, the Trump administration rescinded on a rule that held corporations and industry accountable. Luckily, the Biden administration has noticed, and is pausing to take stock of the facts. We need you to make your voice heard now. Let them know: We must protect our seabirds!


Support the Beyond Plastics Bill!

Did you know that the average American ingests a credit card worth of plastic each week? It’s true! Plastic does not break down and most of it ends up in our oceans, water and food. Did you know that Americans use more than 500 million plastic straws each day and more than 100 billion plastic bags each year? It is so wasteful and it’s not necessary! Plastic straws, bags and bottles can sicken and kill seabirds, fish, sea turtles, manatees, dolphins and other animals when they get lodged in their noses, throats and stomachs, and it adds to the plastic pollution problem that our society is already facing. That is why many cities and states are banning or limiting the use of plastic straws. Here in NY there is a proposed bill that would limit the use of plastic straws to be used only when requested, but we need to push City Council speaker Corey Johnson to make this happen.

Beyond Plastic has developed a sample bill that can be used to try to pass bills in our local towns, cities and states. Vermont and New Jersey have recently passed similar laws


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