Take Action: Protect Our Food System and Those Most Vulnerable During the Coronavirus!

Today, as Congress works on a 4th COVID-19 stimulus bill, we need our voices be heard! We have seen how fragile our food system is, and we need policies that can advance a regenerative and resilient food system.

TAKE ACTION TODAY: Tell Congress you demand a #GreenStimulus for a regenerative and resilient food system during the pandemic and beyond.

We also need to protect the people on the front lines and those most vulnerable to the economic backlash from this pandemic. Let’s make sure they include;

  • No cuts to Medicaid: during a global pandemic, we cannot cut access to health care. Our budget can’t be balanced on the backs of working class and poor New Yorkers. We must maintain Medicaid and find new revenue to balance the budget.
  • No rollbacks on bail reform: as COVID-19 spreads, people in overcrowded and unsanitary jails are at risk. The bail reforms passed last year reduced our jail population, but police, prosecutors, and white supremacists are demanding rollbacks. Especially now, we must keep people out of jail to keep people safe and healthy.
  • Cancel rent: millions of people are rightly being kept home to flatten the curve of the pandemic, but without work, people can’t pay their rent. Landlords can already take advantage of a mortgage abatement. We must make sure tenants are protected by canceling rent payments for the duration of the crisis.
  • Support nurses: Nurses are on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis, and the nurses union has a set of eight demands to ensure that frontline health care workers are kept safe. The demands include: more PPE, standards to reduce infection, fully funding hospital costs and suspending hospital closures, ensuring nurses and other frontline workers have access to childcare, transportation and other services, and no cuts to Medicaid funding.
  • Forgive Student Debt

Call your legislators and Governor Cuomo now to demand common-sense policies to protect New Yorkers and keep them safe, now and in the future.

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