Tell Florida’s Natural that Weedkiller is Not Natural!; Tell Kroger Supermarkets They Need To Address Food Waste Now!;Voting is Just the Beginning, We Need to Keep the Momentum Up To Have Our Voices Heard!

Florida’s Natural Orange Juice is NOT Natural! 

In the past few years there has been a lot of talk about chemical pesticides and herbicides being found in our food supply, especially more recently after the landmark court case which found that Monsanto’s weedkiller, RoundUp, caused cancer in a San Francisco groundskeeper. Oats, Corn Flour, and now fruit, specifically Florida oranges, have been found to have traces of the chemical glyphosate, which is in the Monsanto weedkiller RoundUp. We need to hold companies accountable and get this toxic chemical out of our food supply. We as consumers do have the power to enact change, if we speak up and let companies and government know that we will not stand for food that is filled with chemicals. The labeling on products might say “natural”, but many times this means nothing. Florida’s Natural orange juice is one of the brands that touts a “natural” product, but really has agro-chemicals in it, like glyphosate. In order to stay away from any potential chemicals, eating organic is your safest bet, so make sure the products you buy have the organic label!

Sign the petition today to Tell Florida’s Natural RoundUp and Glyphosate isn’t natural! Get Glyphosate out of our Food and Drinks! 

Tell Kroger They Need to Take Steps Towards Ending Food Waste Today! 

Kroger recently put out a press release that they are addressing the problem of food waste in their stores, by adding a line of “ugly produce,” (produce with slight blemishes.) The consumers need for produce that looks perfect, is a driving force resulting in thousands of pounds of produce going to the landfill. We as consumers need to be okay with fruit and vegetables that do not look “perfect”. Kroger, a national grocery store, has pledged to attack the food waste issue by helping to change perceptions and sell blemished produce. We need to support them, and urge them to continue this trend of attacking food waste with these asks:

1) Provide transparent data and reporting on how much of Kroger’s food ends up in landfills each year.

2) Implement comprehensive initiatives to manage waste in Kroger’s supply chain.

3) Implement Kroger’s imperfect produce program at all of your stores nationwide.

Sign the Petition today to Urge Kroger Supermarkets to Work on Food Waste NOW! 

Be Involved Politically Even After the Election! 

It is amazing the response and engagement that we have seen recently involving our political system. Young people, people of color, and people who have never voted before, are becoming more informed and getting to the polls! In order to see a change, we need to keep this momentum up! As citizens, we need to consistently be involved in our democracy, that involves writing to your senators, your local state representatives, city council members, mayors, governors and more, to let them know what is important to you, and what changes you want them to work on. Citizen lobbying, and citizen participation, is crucial in our current political climate. To stay informed, follow sites like the Democratic Initiative , which is a network of organizations that is working together to restore the core principles of democracy to our society. Get to know who your elected officials are! Join organizations that work towards a cause that you believe in. Be courageous, and stand up for what you believe, because it does matter, and you can make a difference.