Tell NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli to Divest State Funds from Fossil Fuels! 
A landmark report from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was released on Monday, showing how dire our world could become if we don’t reduce our global footprint. Food shortages, wildfires, our coral reefs dying off, rising sea-levels, and intense temperatures, are just some of the potential problems facing us in as soon as 2040. Now is the time for us to take a stand as citizens and demand that we stop supporting fossil fuels and support renewal energy sources. The best place to start is at the state level, given our current national administration.
A new study by Corporate Knights shows that the New York State pension fund would have an extra $22 billion if it had divested from fossil fuels a decade ago. That works out to more than $19,820 for of each of the fund’s 1,122,626 members and retirees, an amount that would have covered more than 25 percent of the costs from 2012’s climate change fueled Superstorm Sandy. Investing billions of dollars in companies that are destroying life on our planet is morally wrong.
NYS says it has $6 billion of the state pension funds invested in fossil fuels, including $1 billion in Exxon. Others say the figure is close to $11 billion. NYS is the second largest pension plan in the country. We need to urge the comptroller to make the right decisions for our environment and the people of New York.
Sign the Petition To Ask NYS Comptroller Tom DiNapoli to Divest Funds from Fossil Fuels
You can also contact him directly to urge him to divest the NYS funds from Fossil Fuels by calling him at, 518 474-4044, or tweeting at him:@TomDiNapoli or @NYSComptroller, with the hashtag – #DivestNY
Oppose the Nomination of a Dow AgroScientist from Being Named Chief Scientist at The USDA 
The United States Department of Agriculture oversees the regulations for all of our farm land, which in turn affects our entire food supply. The Trump Administration, loves nominating people for high positions within these departments that have links to Big Chemical Agriculture Companies, like Dow Chemicals, and Monsanto. We need people within the USDA, that will fight for clean and healthy agricultural practices, not continue the slew of chemicals being used in our agricultural system, affecting our food supply. The most recent nomination is of Scott Hutchins, who spent over 30 years of his career working at Dow AgroSciences, focusing on pesticides. He has strong ties to corporate agribusiness and pesticide companies. These connections create a clear conflicts of interest that will undoubtedly affect his ability to serve as chief scientist for the USDA. Hutchins would also be the third member of Dow AgroSciences’ pesticide and seed division to hold a high-level position in the Trump administration’s USDA.
The need for change within this industry has become blatantly clear this week following the UN report that came out showing the potential effects of climate change.
Tell the EPA to Ban Glyphosate, and Save Our Bee’s!
Glyphosate, the chemical found in Monsanto’s herbicide RoundUp, has been proven to cause cancer. It has also been proven to cause problems with our soil, and food supplies. Now, a new study is showing that it can also cause harm to bee’s. Bee’s are the pollinators of almost every plant that we eat. Without them, our ecosystem would collapse. What will it take to get the Environmental Protection Agency to ban this horrible chemical? Let your voices be heard! Take action today to tell the EPA it is not OK to allow Glyphosate to continue to hurt us, the animals around us, and our environment.
Take this Survey for Friends of the Earth
Sign this Petition to tell the EPA to Protect Bee’s and Ban Pesticides!
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