The EPA Pushes Back! How Our Food has Changed Over the Years!

EPA Career Employees are Pushing Back!

President Trump has spent the past 4 years wrecking havoc on our environment and the Environmental Protection Agency in charge of protecting it. In fact, he is trying to rush through some final regulations that would weaken our air and water protections before he leaves office. Luckily, due to the newly elected administration, EPA employees are willing to push back! Check out this article from the NY Times.

Newly elected President Biden has made “Climate Change” a priority in his campaign, and choosing an EPA administrator who understands what is at stake and the relationship our actions have on the environment is crucial.

>>Tell President-elect Biden to appoint an EPA Administrator who is an environmentalist with broad environmental credentials and a vision that embraces a dramatic transition away from hazardous chemicals and polluting practices at this perilous time.


Our Food Today is Not the Same!

Ever wonder why the food in Italy tastes so much better? Or why the strawberry you bought at the supermarket has no flavor? Many years ago, our government decided that producing food in quantity would be cheaper and would be a great way to use up some of the leftover chemicals from the war. Hence, the Green Revolution was born!

Ruth Reichl, the last editor-in-chief of Gourmet magazine, wrote a great article about How our Food Has Changed Over the Years, that I wanted to share with you. It’s a great read, and explains our food history so well. Check it out!

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