TONIGHT, Join iEat Green and 350Brooklyn for the The “Green New Meal: The Food-Climate Connection” at the Brooklyn Public Library! Help Us Collect Winter Coats, Clothing and Toys for Our Community in Need! Ryan Rising and Alexa Levy Join Bhavani on PRN to Talk About the Permaculture Action Network!

Hi Everyone,

Tonight, I will be moderating a panel discussion about Climate Change and how our food choices impact greenhouse gas emissions. The event,

“Green New Meal: The Food-Climate Connection” 

is being put on in partnership with 350Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Public Library, as part of their Climate Wednesdays: Solutions for a Cooler Brooklyn series. The forum, at the Central Library at 10 Grand Army Plaza starts at 7 pm and will consist of presentations from our panelists, Nancy Romer, Brooklyn Food Coalition founder, and Onika Abramson, Executive Director of Farm School NYC, as well as audience participation and a Q & A following the talks. Don’t let the snow scare you away! Come on out for a lively discussion and thought-provoking questions.

Help Us Collect Winter Coats, Clothing and Toys for Our Community in Need!

Even though our annual cooking extravaganza for Christmas is not happening, we are still partnering with the River Fund-NY, to bring coats, winter clothing items, toys, and second hand jewelry, to the folks in and around Rufus King Park in Jamaica, Queens, on Tuesday, December 17th.  Please send me an email if you want to volunteer, or if you have any items to donate. The River Fund-NY is a 501c3 organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

My guests this week on the Progressive Radio Network are Ryan Rising and Alexa Levy, from Permaculture Action Network. 

Permaculture Action Network is a continent-wide collective that mobilizes thousands of people to take direct action on regenerative projects with a diversity of groups and organizations. They partner with performing artists, cultural events, and a diversity of grassroots groups working toward collective liberation to create days of action and educational spaces in which people regenerate ecosystems and catalyze the movement for a just transition.

Ryan is a community organizer, project facilitator, and permaculture educator, based out of the San Francisco Bay Area, and co-founder of the Permaculture Action Network. Ryan organized the Permaculture Action Tour with music producer, The Polish Ambassador, in the Fall of 2014. Ryan has since co-organized over 93 Permaculture Action Days throughout 26 US states, bringing hundreds of people together at a time, to take hands-on action building greenhouses, rainwater catchment systems, perennial food gardens, and regenerative systems at more than 100 different community spaces including public food forests, urban farms, and indigenous food sovereignty projects.

Alexa is an educator, public school teacher, permaculturist, organizer, and artist. She has dedicated her life to working with underprivileged youth as a facilitator of learning, offering them tools to becoming their best self. She started a Permaculture & Restorative Justice program at Claremont Middle School in Oakland, where together she and her students learn about growing food, art, creating regenerative systems, current events, and social justice, all while practicing restorative justice. Alexa has been exploring alternative avenues of education in search of piecing together an “Educational Utopia” where justice and compassion are at the forefront.

Please join me in welcoming Ryan and Alexa to my show, for what promises to be an inspirational discussion about on the ground organizing and hands-on action, to make this world a little kinder, more just, and a little greener!

My radio show, iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in to the live show, just navigate to and listen in!

If you miss our live show please listen on iTunes by downloading the Podcast App.

If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call-in number is 888-874-4888. If you are listening to the podcast after the live broadcast, you can still ask me a question by leaving me a voicemail message at 862-800-6805. Just remember to say your name, what show you’re calling about (iEat Green with Bhavani), and your question. The message will be passed on to me, and I will get back to you.

With Love and Gratitude,


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